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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A Reason To...

There are many reasons to distrust or  hate our president.   He's bumbling, vain, misinformed, self-centered, etc...  My main reason for disdain, at least for now, is his need to put himself as the center of everything.  He's not the Sun around which we revolve.  He does this with everything he touches.  If he's not allowed to be the center, he pouts.

During his SOTU speech he touted ending HIV transmission by 2030.  Doable, but it won't happen because of him.  Trump is the kind of person you know is lying if his lips are moving.   He doesn't seem capable of telling the truth.  Now, his ego has landed dead center in the HIV fight.  For the past several days, that's what most of the articles have talked about. 

Stop giving oxygen to this troll's fire.   Stop giving him what he wants.   Let him pout.  Let him hold his breath until he dies.  Just stop letting him rent space in your head.  Trump isn't the real problem.  The system & the people that got him into office are.  Focus on that, not him.  He's just a little orange duck lined up for you to shoot at a carnival game.  Look past the curtain.  Trump isn't the wizard, he's just an ugly muppet.


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