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Friday, February 8, 2019

Just The Facts...

Often, while reading articles, I don't just see the facts.  Even if the piece I'm scanning is over HIV related matters, I still find sentiment, opinion & judgement. Few today write objectively & it diminishes their work.  Let the writing stand on its own.  Present your analysis, not your biases.  I'm reading the work for the research, not social judgement.

For example, I saw an article today pointing out Black males  still make up a huge part of new HIV cases.   This wasn't just presented  as fact, this was a social judgement.  This point was never direct, but the meaning was clear.  Black male culture was incapable of taking care of this issue, so others, especially White others, needed to step in & take care of the matter.

Maybe authors are just oblivious to the implications.  These pieces imply Black men can't handle health matters.  It puts the onus on society to handle their inability.   1st, if this inability does exist, it's a cultural matter, not a disability.  These men are capable of handling their health concerns.  Finally, it's not anyone else's responsibility or right to step in on these men's health matters.  These attitudes are insulting & arrogant.

Write your research.  Give us the facts.  A writer is allowed to draw possible conclusions or even give opinions.  But those must be presented as the author's believes, not facts.  Definitely not as judgements on their subjects or society.

Take Care.


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