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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

HIV Facials...

This post is probably better suited for October.   There is a type of spa treatment called a vampire facial/facelift.  It draws the clients blood & spins it thin.  Then the skin is either micro-needled or micro-abraded After the skin is prepared, perforated, the blood mixture is spread across the face.  It's supposed to act as a facial & filler.  

I'm not giving any citations, because none of the articles actually say anything.  But, it is suspected someone may have contracted HIV via this procedure.  It's thought this process could spread bloodborne pathogens, like hepatitis.   There are  many steps where this process could go wrong.  I'd consider it  moderately risky even in a perfectly sterile environment.  

As of yet, nothing has been stated absolutely.  The investigation into this procedure is ongoing.  Be safe, don't play with blood.  


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