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Saturday, September 22, 2018

First Day of Fall Sucked...

OK Autumn, what a horrid start.  It was dismal & rained all day. I mean poured.  Our rain totals were significant.  Never trust Weather Channel, it could pour for days & they'd say you were  in a desert.   According to Weather Underground, we had over 4.6" yesterday.  That's exceeds our entire precipitation average for the month.  We only expect about 4.3" for September & we got it all on 1 day. Past midnight we got another 1.5" & it's just 8 something in the morning.  It's supposed to rain more today.  Hello flooding.

To top off my entrance into Fall, I was awaken last night.  At 1st, I thought I was just hearing things.   Somewhere between a bird fluttering & a big bug skittering.  I woke enough to see a blip of darkness cross my room.  I turned on my light & saw it, a bat.  A freaking bat was in my room.  Probably got drove in by the rain.  Still, I didn't want it in my room.  Last I saw it was in the living room.  I opened the door & swatted at it.  I doubt it went out the door.  But I can't find it anywhere.  I don't like vermin in my house.  Bugs are bad enough.

Fall, you are a drenched, flying, flea-covered, asshat that probably has diseases.   In other words you suck & it's just day 1.  Get your act together.


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