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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Bad Programming...

People in online groups I frequent are remarking how few life skills they have.   What few decent strategies they have to get through the hard times.  How bad they feel about mentioning their perceived shortcomings.   They're worried others will think they're whining or just working an angle.   Maybe some people do those things, but most of us are just admitting we're clueless, frustrated & scared.  We're failing at adulting & it isn't entirely our fault.

People should stop looking at children how they do.  They aren't toys, pets & mini-versions of their egoist progenitors.   They are little people, animals, that someday will have to fend for themselves & most are woefully unprepared for the fight ahead.

Parents should view kids as little bots that need programming.  They're the programmers.  At this point, most people are only programmed with self-doubt, insecurities, unrealistic ideals, useless trivia & precious little ability to actually cope with life.  Parent's have 1 job.  To raise children to be adults that can function in life.  The rest of is gratis & window dressing.

The majority of issues people have in their life originated, purposely or not, from their parents.   When you're little, your parents are primary source of everything, especially life coding.  Slowly, others start having impact on the skills & info people use to get through life.  Eventually, parents have little impact on their children & wonder why.

Maybe it's time to backpedal on the ego & emotion, so we can realize raising children is more like programming a robot than living a sitcom.   Coding is about a set of commands, being written succinctly & as redundantly as needed.   Raising a child is more about repetition & consistency than ideals & trivium. 

Just remember, "Crap in, crap out!"  Why would parenting be any different?


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