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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wrapping Up...


We're on the downhill of June.  Next week will be July & another holiday.  There will be bills & other errands.  I also need to get labs handled. This is going to be crunched.  

The weather's weird.  It could rain.  It probably won't & it'll just be even more muggier.

We had an early arrival this morning.  My roomie's uncle came to say he was heading back home.  He got here an hour earlier than expected.  Hopefully his trip goes well.  The event she'd had happening has passed & things will settle into a routine.  A different pattern, but I guess everything changes even if you didn't want it to.  It seems like the more you didn't want something to change, the more apt it is to do so.

That's all for now.   Maybe Blogger will work better today.  It didn't push my post through yesterday & I had to repost everything.  Take care.


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