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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Weather Gripe & Bye June...


It got hot, well it is Summer.    It's not so much that it got hot, it's that it got this hot, this quick.  I can adjust to a lot of things.  But, I need time to do so.  There wasn't any, it went from dark & cool to a few nice days  to hot, humid crap.   The heat is bad, but as always humidity is the beast.  Temps in the 90s with low humidity are fine.  Days in the upper 80s with high humidity are nasty.  Those same days in the upper 90s are a bit hellish.  This wouldn't be so bad, but this sweltering leaves me wiped out & nauseous. 

This is the last day of June.  It turn out to be a great month.  Goodbye June.

There's my weather gripe.  Hope everyone is coping with the season.  Take care.


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