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Friday, June 28, 2024

Probably Not...


It's been decades since the 1st case of HIV/AIDS.  So, when's there going to be an end to this, a cure, a vaccine?   IMO, most likely that day will never come. 

There are too many malignant people out there that don't believe in handling HIV because it isn't about them.  Or they like having something they can ridicule or shame people about.  They will never deal with HIV until they test +.

There's too much profit in HIV.  Drug companies make billions off the meds.   They'd lose that if there was ever a cure.  Another form of profit is social.  The kind conservatives like.  The people who think that any one who contracts the virus was a bad person who deserved it.  Unless of course it was them or someone in their circle.  Then it was an attack by some abomination. 

Between horrible people, greedy corps & conservatives the possibility of a cure is fairly low.  That doesn't even take into account those who are + & won't/can't take care themselves.   I think HIV is just here.  If it is cured, it'll probably be after I'm gone.

Just my thoughts on the matter.  Take care.


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