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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

That Kind Of Morning...


This hasn't been the easiest starts to a month.  I guess I should've expected that.  There doesn't seem to be any of those left in my life.  It's either costs soaring, things breaking, people going, shows cancelling, etc & on & on.

But I had a sobering morning.  Every once in a while, I can sleep well enough that I'm not entirely aware of things for a bit.  For a few moments, I'm relaxed, alright, hell maybe even a little happy.  Then it all starts sinking in on me.  I'm still here in this place, this life.  Then I'm wide awake, anxious, frustrated & angry at existing.

Those few moments of peace, maybe even just seconds, cost me a lot when they fade.  Then I'm tense, upset & looking for the exit.  People should come with an "I'm Done" button.  Something that would just let them peacefully opt out.  I'd probably pushed mine when I was about 8.  I would've missed some scare fun bits & some nice people, but I would have avoided the crap show of my life.  I knew I shouldn't be here 5 decades ago.  But I kept lying to myself, things would get better, there'd be good things, finally I'd feel safe.  No one can lie to you, like you can lie to yourself.

I hate mornings.


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