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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Nerves & Nostalgia...


It's getting Summer warm.   I'm nervous about a lot of stuff right now, especially the internet.  I spent all of yesterday wondering when it would drop again.  I still am.  

We've been out with my roomie's family the last couple of nights.   I'm not close to them, but being out, being somewhat social, just reminded of being a version of me I haven't been in quite a while.  I hate that.  I stopped moving, I stopped going out, I stopped being social, basically I stopped being.  I'm not sure I ever liked myself, but I really can't stand this version.  When this all started & I stopped being, I should've just drove off something.  I guess I just didn't have the nerve.  So now I'm paying for it.

Hopefully, the internet situation will get figured out.  I'll get through the heat.   I do miss being elsewhere.   But there isn't much to do here & I don't know anyone.   I really should've taken an exit decades ago.


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