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Tuesday, May 23, 2023



Conservatives have made it very clear they hate most nonprofit organizations that provide assistance for anything.  That goes double for anything that involves people who happen to be of color, poor, Gay, etc...   If it's an organization providing aid to these groups on matters of housing, food or medical republicans tend to despise them.  

Why?  They want 2 things, money & control.   They say nonprofits cut into corporate gains.  They also are concerned these organizations might be giving assistance to "those people."  Republicans want to ensure corporations get their money as well as control who gets what aid.  Being anti nonprofit is part of their hate agenda & a means of furthering WASPy agenda.

They scream it's to save the children, to protect their kind of people & to ensure financial viability.  What it's really about is simple hate & control.  Conservative groups hate anything that doesn't walk, talk, look & think like them.  

Expect to see more nonprofits lose funds & have to close.  It will get more difficult to find aid or any kind.  There be hoops, hurdles & cattle chutes to get any kind of assistance if republicans get their way.  Most people will go through all this only to be told, "We're sorry but you didn't meet our criteria for assistance."  Then they'll laugh as they walk off form those in need.

Is there anything more vile than a American conservative?


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