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Friday, May 19, 2023

More Dark Suck...


It seems 2023 is set on sucking.  I'm sure some people have had some good points this year, but the most I can say is some days didn't just utterly suck.  It's closing in on June & you could probably count the days of full, sunny brightness so far on a single hand.   There have been days that started bright only to crap out later in the day.  

We probably won't get any really sunny days until it's so blazing hot we won't be able to enjoy them.  2023 if your aim was to suck, you're succeeding.  There really aren't good years anymore, not even good months.  It seems a few pathetic minutes or maybe an hour is the best you get.  

I've got every light on in my room & it's still damned dark.  I hate this.  The best I can hope for is that some damn perky people drown while looking up at the clouds.  My good moods are just about as rare as sunny days.


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