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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Most Down, Others Risk...


There've been a lot of generalized reports about HIV cases in the US being on the decline for the past decade.  I'm not interested in the specifics here, just the side notes.  They said too many people aren't on PrEP.  Maybe a lot of people can't be on the med.  Maybe they can't afford or tolerate it.  Is it possible they'd rather rely on a much more affordable & less risky condom?  The CDC sounds like an ad agency for PrEP.

The other point was that even though the overall numbers were down some at risk groups were still higher than average.  By at risk groups they referred mostly to Hispanics & Blacks.  For decades people have fought against HIV.  A lot of effort has been aimed at non-White communities.  What more can people reasonably do?  If these 2 groups don't wish to take care of themselves, what can be done about it.  Maybe educate others these groups are less apt to play safe.  Oops, that probably wouldn't go over well, even if it is fairly accurate.


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