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Monday, May 15, 2023

Maybe It's Spring...


I don't know if we have Spring any more or if the season just changed so much it's hard to recognize.  A ways back, the season started in March & lasted until June.   The last few years have been cold until at least mid April.  I didn't get blankets stowed until early May this year.

We no longer get bright, springy days with light showers & the proverbial flowers.  Instead there's this dreary, cold wet season right after the frigid months.  That jumps straight into hot, muggy hell.  According to the forecast, most of May will be overcast, cloudy or storming.  

Some people doubt climate change, but we used to have 4 distinct seasons here.  Now, Fall & Spring are just road bumps between hot & freezing.  There's been enough sun for me not to be dealing with full on SAD, but not enough to feel really with it.  I don't need hot, but some light would be great.

That's all for now, take care.


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