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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Stigma Goes On...

This article was at the top of the heap.  Gareth Thomas, a former Welsh rugby star revealed himself as HIV+.  He also revealed he was gay, married & living in a serodiscordant relationship.  (His husband isn't +)  He said he wanted to help break down the stigma of HIV.  Maybe, he did.

But, later it was also revealed he was being pressured by tabloids.  They were threatening to reveal his condition.  He might have been able to sue them for health & privacy issues, but the damage would've been done.  These "papers" saw the opportunity of using the stigma of HIV to blackmail a sports star & tried to do so.  He just came out before they could.  He was forced to reveal himself.  He was outed.  These tabloids should be burnt to the ground.

I wish him well.  I hope those tabloid people get hit by lightning.  The stigma hasn't lessened.  It was just acknowledged once more.  Stigma is powerful & dangerous.  It was used against a fairly famous man.  What could it do someone less fortunate?  

Take care.


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