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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Still Tired...

There wasn't much in the way in articles this morning. Some guy from the new Queer Eye show came out as HIV+.   I'm glad he felt comfortable enough to do it, but I'm not sure it worth nearly that many articles.  It must really be a slow article month.  Then there were some boohoo posts about HIV+ people being blocked on hookup apps like Grindr.  That was about it for the articles.

I am tired from all the crap going on lately.  Mostly I'm sick of hearing about it.  I'll be glad when it's over, so people will shut up & stop complaining about things that can't be handled. They at least can't be changed by me.  So leave me out of it.

 Sorry for the lame rant.  The equinox is here tomorrow.  Not that it seems likely to change much.  Sorry, not big on the hope thing at the moment.

Take care.


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