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Saturday, September 14, 2019


There've been a lot of articles over chemsex parties & how they're refueling the HIV epidemic.  This isn't just an American phenomenon.   This piece is about the issue throughout Europe. Chemsex isn't really the problem, it's just a symptom.  

Whether a chemsex party or gathering of backwoods types to shoot-up, the reasons are pretty much the same.  These people are looking for escape.   They need contact. They need not to think.  They're drowning in their own misery & trying to escape even for a few moments in a very dangerous way.   Giving these people other options, opportunities, or even just some compassion & acknowledgement might go a long way.  These people feel disconnected, alone & hopeless.  They need an out.

Less judging & more understanding is the path to helping this situation. 


PS - Starting to feel better.  Hope it holds.  That crap sucked.

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