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Thursday, July 4, 2019

The 4th...

It's time for fireworks & other hoo hah, Yippie.  Hope you have a great 4th of July. 

My appointment went well.  The MRI was mostly clear.  It no longer detected signs of an AVM or collected blood.   There was still some irritated tissue, but that should clear up.  The link about AVM is an article over arteriovenous malformation, which is what they thought I had.  It may still be, if so, it's undetectable at this point.  The most likely culprit for me was blood pressure.  A prolonged period of high pressure or a severe spike might have caused it.  

For now, I'll try to manage my blood pressure better.  I have to go back for a follow up in December.   At least the drive went well & there were major upsets.  Have to be thankful for that. 

That's all for now, take care.  Be safe this 4th.


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