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Thursday, July 18, 2019


I think a lot of the problems with the fight against HIV & many social issues, is people tend to focus on the macro.  They like the big-picture, looking down from the sky.  But, the view is made of billions of mosaics of life.  Each filled with millions of details about people, places & events.  Macro can be great for trends, but micro is needed for understanding.  

I'm interested in articles about HIV in foreign lands, but only as far it affects me & mine.  HIV is like a dye.  If there's a little left in the water, it can still spread.   Until it's all dealt with, HIV can always return. I will always be more interested in things in my immediacy or proximity.   That's the nature of life.  Yes, HIV in Africa can eventually affect me.  But HIV being spread by IV drug usage is nearer to me & more a concern.  Thinking local is about survival & prosperity.   Thinking global is about broad stroke understanding of trends.  They're both needed.

That's all for now, take care.


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