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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Still Here...

It's beginning again.  Every time there's progress against HIV  the mentality changes.  It goes from full-on fight mode to, "oh, they've got this."  No one "has this,"  This fight has been been plagued with ups & downs.  Most due to the levels of support.

Just because there's some good news or a new treatment doesn't mean HIV is over.  It's nowhere near "handled."   If we allow support to wane again, HIV will only surge.  Why is that so hard to understand?  It's not over, til it's over.   As long a single person is infected, this could all start up again.

On another topic.  I'm finally trying to get an eye appointment.  It's only several months late, but I was occupied. They cancelled the 1st appointment, but I should see them Saturday.  

Take care & stay cool, the heat is definitely back here.


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