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Saturday, July 6, 2019


Over the past couple of days, there's been talk of scientists removing HIV entirely from infected mice.  This article (1 of many) somewhat details the undertaking.  OK, great, but... 

The fact they could remove the virus is fascinating.  The technology is amazing.  However, (drum roll)  these are MICE.  Albeit mammals, they aren't humans, not even primates.  Even if this does work in mice, it may never work for humans.  Say it does, that could be years or even decades away.

I'm hate to be a downer, but you need to have perspective.  Even once an approach is in human trials it can take a decade or even fail.  There are few guarantees in research.  But, this knowledge does add to it all.  It does put us a step closer.  That alone is worth recognition.  While this is amazing work, a cure is still not in the near future.


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