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Sunday, January 23, 2022

So Far Better...


Winter can go now.  I wasn't feeling well yesterday.  Between the weather, heaters & blankets my sinuses were in bad shape.  My eyes felt gritty & dry.   The big problem is how I sleep during the cold.  During the Summer, I sprawl & roll a lot.   In the Winter, I huddle down under covers & don't move much.  I may sleep deeper during the cold months, but I wake stiff & sore.  Yesterday was bad for the soreness.  My back was not in a good place most of the day.  

So far this morning, I'm doing better.  It's supposed to get into the 50s & it's bright out already.  Both of those things should make it easier for me.  Maybe after this week it get passed some of these more frigid nights & just be cold.  That'd be nice.

That's it for now, take care.


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