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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Not As Bad...


It's not as cold as yesterday, but it's still cold.  At least it's a bright morning.  The rest of the month looks to stay cold, but not as cold.  It is Winter after all.  I still don't like it.  No part of body enjoys the cold.  I get a lot of ENT issues.  My skies is prone to drying & cracking even after all the lotion. My eyes hate the dryness.  Body stiffness is a common issue.  On top of that, it's often dreary & hard on people with SAD.  

I might be able to  deal with all of that if it wasn't so  erratic.  The temps roll up & then plummet.  The frigid air still hasn't killed all the grass & I'm still seeing bugs.  Who imported bugs from the Arctic?  That was supposed to be the deal.  We suffer through the cold, so the season will kill off the grass, pollen & bugs.  None of that is happening besides the suffering.

I hate Winter.  That's all for now, take care.


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