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Tuesday, January 18, 2022



Some mornings are just annoying & that was this morning.  You wake up feeling good & then the F'ery kicks in.  On mornings like this, it's usually nothing big, just a bunch of little crap lined up in a row; computer updates, ice maker issues, in the way cat...  In the morning, I'm just trying to go from grumbling, zombie stares to a real living person.  Leave me the hell alone.

Luckily, it's decently bright this morning & warming up a bit.  Neither will last long this week, so I'll take while I can.  Luckily, other than getting around, I don't have anything to do this morning.

I'm annoyed with Oklahomans.  For the past week, our daily number of new COVID cases has been over 12K.  We did have 30K+ active case with a rolling average in the 4K range.  Now we have over 110K active cases with a rolling average of new cases over 10K.   Oklahomans get yourself taken care of.  Either vax & be as safe as possible or just die already.

That's it for now.  Take care. 


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