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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Weather & Yard...


Normally, August is a beast for us.  The sun is blazing & temps are high.  It means the lawn will die down.  Not this year.  The  lawn was mowed the Monday before last.  I normally go & check the yard to see about bugs & edging.  I haven't this time.  Even on the days when it's been hot enough to have the AC on early, the humidity was too high.  I could see  droplets of water resting on the grass.   This would've diluted anything I put on it. 

I woke to a bright morning & thought I might  be  able to handle everything.  Nope, when I looked at the weather, I saw 40% & higher rain chances for the  day.   By the time  I had brushed  my teeth the skies had darkened.   I hope  it  rains.   This almost raining weather is being really rough on us.  This pattern looks to hold into next  week.   I might get to tend to  the yard after the next mow.   This August is a sucky failure.


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