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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Goodbye August, Goodbye Me...


This is the last day of August & me for this year.  This is my final day being 54.  This was not a horrible month, but it wasn't a good August.  August should be bright, blazing, dry.  It should be the door closing on Summer.  These days, Summer's here  through most of September.  Labor day used to be the closing of the season party.  Now it's more like a warning that last call's coming soon.  August failed at being Augustic.

For my last birthday, we went to a restaurant we  hadn't been to before.   The food was good, but the atmosphere was weird.  It had nothing to do with the place, it was the effect COVID was having on everything.

I knew we wouldn't go see a movie, but I figured by the holidays things would open enough for that & my roomie's birthday.  My hopes were misplaced.  I knew  COVID was serious,  But  I didn't count on the raging stupidity of the American herd beast.  By October the numbers were soaring.  It meant we did nothing for  my roomie's birthday.  But at least by December there was word of a vaccine.  We signed up in 2020.  We had both doses by April Fools.

Yet, fooled was what we were.  By mid Summer the numbers plummeted & life tried to settle back into a normalcy.  That didn't last long.  Between Summer events, anti-vaxxers, the Delta Strain & school openings, numbers  are soaring  again.

Last year's me was hopeful, not so much this year.   I've spent a  lot of this year angry, stressed, resentful & wishing harm on everyone.  For at least today, I'm trying not to.  I'm trying to focus on this last day I share with August.

My birthday wish is for COVID to come to an end, however that may have to happen.  Line them up & vaccinate them like cattle.  Line them up & shoot them like a firing squad.  Dump them in the deepest parts of the oceans for fish food.  Just bring COVID to and end & don't replace it with something as bad or worse.

Happy last  day to August & me.


PS - I get a telemedicine appointment for my Birthday, yay me.

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