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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Next Trash Day...


Today is a regular trash day, next week isn't.    Next Wednesday morning I'll have a telemedicine  appointment.  Of course, it's also my birthday.  Kind of fitting it's on trash day.   I can take this dumpster fire of a year to the curb.  

i used to be nicer, that got burned out.  When you hit some of the upper birthdays, you ask yourself things.   Like, was  it worth  it?  The answer for me until the late 90s was, I think it mostly was.  But every year  after that, it's slipped into the no & hell no zone.  

I may have  helped some people & animals.  I may have had some fun & been a good diversion for some people.  But I got far too little out of it.  Who's responsible for where I'm at now?  I am.   But I didn't  set this stage.  Nor was I responsible for all the crap  & obstacles thrown my way by others.   I'm  not saying I'd had a great life.  But my life is just my attempt  to survive  the f'ery of others from the time before I was born.   That's not counting the crap that's been tossed my way by others.  Most of whom I don't even know personally.

Was my life worth it?  NO!  It wasn't & most of that was due to decisions made by adults concerning or affecting  my life since before I even existed.  I'll take blame for what I did, but I won't be held responsible for those bastards.  Even though their BS has mostly destroyed my life.  

My birthday wish isn't for sweet, niceties.  It isn't, I don't want anything this year.  It's for a lot of people to just die as quickly as possible.  I'm sick of their lame excuses for destroying everything; my life, the economy, this country's reputation, the world...  Here's my birthday wish in rhyme.

I wish I may I might,

Have this wish from candle burning bright.

Conservatives,  Anti-vaxxers  & tellers of the Trumpain lie,

Please, oh please just quickly, awfully torturously die!

As above, as  below; by earth, wind & sea,

So Mote It Be!

That's all for now.   I need  some black & red candles.    Take care.



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