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Saturday, August 8, 2020



There are articles about how many people express being uncomfortable with the idea of having an HIV+ person in their lives or even near them.   These authors express surprise to find the numbers are still high, 50+%.

Some think there's a magical device that can mystically wave this negativity away.   There isn't.  Every fringe group, including those HIV+, have fought stigma forever.  It doesn't go away.  

The problem isn't just making people aware of the realities of HIV.    You aren't the only source of education they're receiving.   For every neutral or positive  point made about HIV, some other group is countering with ignorance, stupidity, fear & hate.    This isn't an issue of education.  It's a war against those who want something hate & demean.  For some, stigma comes from ignorance.  But, for many it comes from loathing.  No amount of education is going to undo that.

Stigma is a massive problem.  It will remain so & as of yet, I've seen no way to counter it.  Every minority group has faced stigma.  I doubt any feel it's really lessened.  This isn't a battle of the mind & information.  It's war of emotions & negativity.   I'm not sure what can be done.


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