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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Little August...


It got hotter yesterday.  That's alright, it also got rid of some of the humidity.  If the forecast is right, today could be the last day in the 90's for a bit.  I'm not happy about that.   Muggy 80s are far worse than dry 90s.   But forecasts change on a dime.  It's decently bright this morning.  That's good.  Still, I'm waking up slower & that's not.  

The neighbors across the street are still prepping their house for sell.   Yesterday, they had an old man doing yard work while using a walker.  It wasn't a good idea.  Our yards are uneven.  Also, it was hot & he was alone.  I tried to look out every once in a while.  Maybe, it's the best they could do, but it wasn't safe.

It seems a lot of people are in a place to make a lot choices between this bad, that bad & a worse option.  

Take care.


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