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Tuesday, August 4, 2020


The month is underway & the 1st round of household bills has been handled.  The rest will be tomorrow.  I got labs drawn yesterday, what's come back looks normal.  

The cool weather should last a day more, then more hot.  I'm not upset.  Bugs are ramping up already & the grass is green.  Maybe it'll get brighter.  The light levels have been low this Summer.

I had a weird night.  Last night, was the 1st time since I've lived here the house across the street didn't have it's light on at night.  The light is a smaller streetlight, & gave off a lot of illumination.  Without it, the street was pitch. Before, I could see the home all night. Last night, there was just this black void.  I guess they cut the power off.  It was another weird, depressing, unwanted change. Maybe someone will move in soon & the light will return.  Or maybe I just accept that it's another thing gone from my normal.


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