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Monday, August 26, 2019


Yesterday was the last Sunday in August 2019.  It was also the last Sunday in my year.  Next Sunday will be my birthday.  We'll try to do something for it that prior Friday or following Tuesday.  I'm not fighting Labor Day people to see a movie or go eat.   I can wait.  It'll be less stress.

Yesterday was rough on us.  The weather wasn't pleasant.  It went from gloomy to hot, but stayed muggy.  Today is supposed to be hot.  The current forecast shows this to be the last day in the 90s for a while.  That could change at any moment.  That'd make my roomie happy.

My roomie has an appointment today.  She'll be leaving soon.   If all goes well, this could be her last regular appointment in Tulsa (fingers crossed).  She's anxious.  

Sometimes all we want is an ending, preferably a good 1.  Conclusions are important.  They're the line in the sand that lets us know past here, we're in a different place or situation.  It may even be us that's changed.  But, it's a point in time where we can begin again.


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