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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Rain Lies...

For a of couple of days, the forecast was for high chances for thunderstorms.  They issued a flash flood watch.  What came of it?  Drizzle.   There were no storms.  We have 80% of those same storms today.  I hope some rain shows.   It's currently in the 70s with 95% humidity.  Yesterday was hellish.  We were in the 80's with 80+% humidity.  

The temps are fine, it's the wetness.  This is hideous weather.  I had  issues with humidity before.  But, since the stroke, they're  much worse.  It makes my left leg, halfway up to the knee, feel like I'm walking on a padded club.   It gets  tiring very quickly.    We really need it to rain or dry out.

Take care.


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