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Friday, August 16, 2019

More Irk & Some Finished...

August is being somewhat contrary.  Nothing major has happened, just a series of little jabs.  I was hoping some things could handle themselves, guess I was wrong.  I'm having to play tag with my local lab & specialist in Tulsa.  For some reason they're not communicating about my lab work.  If this isn't handled, I'll have to go there & get them myself.

The door issue is repaired.  It cost a bit, but it's done & the handyman seemed decent.   I hope he stays in business.  Handymen come & go.   Even if they stay, a lot of them look like they failed out of rehab.  

We need to go shopping & I need to get some appliance paint.  The washing machine has a rust spot on it.  Hopefully, these errands will go well.  I'm over house drama.

Take care.


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