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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Blog-Exhaustion & Rain....

We got some rain in the last 24 hours, over 1.5". Luckily, it was  throughout the afternoon & the night.   We're under more flood watches.  That'll make people sleep well.  Possibilities or thunderstorms fill the rest of June's forecast. 

For a bit now, I've noticed some blogs I follow are in decline.  This happens from time to time.  Especially if the blog is more personal.  It's part of blog culture.  But, a lot of these are semi-professional to massive follower, colossal beast blogs.  Maybe they're just hitting a dry spell.  But, it used to be when I looked at my blogs in the morning, there'd be a couple dozen pieces to read.  Now, I'm lucky if there's 2 or 3.

I hope blogs aren't dying off.   I'd rather not have to chase all these writers across the net.  The blog format was easy to gather & put in place like a morning paper.  I'm not really into instagram & twitter isn't a good replacement.  Facebook won't work either.  There,  too many idiots go into rage mode. Maybe people are done sharing for a while.  I hope not.

Take care.


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