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Friday, June 14, 2019

Trying Not To...

We had stuff to handle 3 days of this week.  I was hoping not to be bothered on the other 2.  I, at least, wanted smooth mornings.  That wasn't to be.  Dogs & asshat neighbors woke me early both mornings.  Then both free days were crapped on by Microsoft & their incessant need to push pissy updates.  The 1st was a normal update that for some reason took forever & slowed my system for over an hour.  I played catch up the rest of the day.  The next day it was massive Windows F'ery with a blasted feature update that took nearly 6 hours for my system & about half that for my roomie's.  

So my free mornings were shot by assholery & I'm trying not to let it get to me too much.  I hate the big updates.  There's always a chance they'll uttery screw your system.    This time, it only seems to be fighting with 1 of programs.  At least that's all I've found so far.  I hate these updates.

I've got go shopping, so that's it for now.  Take care.


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