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Monday, June 17, 2019

Safe & Protected...

Safety & protection has been the push for using  PrEP.  But, is that really true?.  OK,  for sake of argument, let's say PrEP works exactly like it's supposed to 100% of the time, no failures.  Great, you've protected yourself from HIV.  BTW, your wallet's going to need protection as well.  Because PrEP is $$$.

But unlike condoms, these meds do nothing to protect you from other STI's or pregnancy.  What about feeling safe & protected?  Yeah, that was just a pitch.  What it means for some is that for whatever reason they want to have sex without condoms. 

Until recently it was rare to see professionals or pharm reps  talk about the important of condoms.  These people have recognized the need for condoms, use them.  If not, all you're saying is you just can't be bothered with safety & protection for you or your partner.  


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