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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Still Recooping & Passing Cats......

The 1st notable Summer yuck has struck.  The stress of the Suddenlink situation, the heat, the annoyance of going  out a lot.  I've also been spraying for fleas a lot.  That stuff nearly kills me no matter how I handle it.  Hopefully, by this weekend I'll feel more life myself.

We found out during the net outage the porch cat, Hazel, had died.  She'd apparently been hit by a car.   These people drive like idiots.   We tried to get Hazel to be an indoor cat.  She'd obviously been inside before.  She knew her way around. But, I think something bad had happened to her in a house.  She was never comfortable inside more than a few minutes.  Then she was at the door ready to go.  We'll miss you Hazel.  We definitely thought of you as ours.  May your next life be as bountiful & loving as any could ever be.  You deserve it. Good Journeys.

This week has sucked.


PS. - Please be kind to strays.  You too could wind up a stray someday.  They don't need  a lot, just some food, water & love.  Do what you can.  Thank you.

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