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Friday, June 1, 2018

Hello June & Other Things....

June is here & it looks to be much warmer than May.  That  sucks.  The 1st day of the month is going to be a bit busy & then beginning of next week will be as well.   There's bills & I have a doctor's  appointment with my primary care, standard visit.

I did a walk around the yard.  There were some weeds that needed sprayed/clipped.  Amazingly, I didn't see any fire ant mounds.  They'll be back.   They never die off that easily.  I did it this morning before we went shopping because we're supposed to get hotter than I can probably handle doing outside stuff for a bit.

We've got to get.  Shopping & bills call.  More tomorrow.


PS - This article is an update on the ongoing efforts to transplant organs from + to  + people.

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