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Friday, March 29, 2024

Oh Great, Another Morning...


Some people love mornings, not me.  To them the dawn is the promise of new possibilities.  Oh, it's day of something alright.  It's just generally stressful crap I didn't want to have to deal with ever.  I've spent a lot of my life angry, bitter & hurt that I woke up to yet another day.  I probably won't get to go the way I want, just not to wake up.  I'll probably have to be all too aware of what's going on & die just as anxious, exhausted  & scared as I've been so much of my life.  If there ever was a god, I hope it died miserably for starting this mess.  There was no grace or gift in this existence.  Just a tiresome reminder, to most things, I'm not even a speck of inconsequential nothingness.  

On another topic.  I found a starter piece regarding HIV & magnetics.  It's pretty basic & very thin, but I haven't seen anything like it before.  Give it a read.


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