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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Post Renewals...


We thought we'd handled the renewal issue.  That wasn't the case.  My roomie got a text she needed to have an interview.   She had a rough time with this during her last renewal.  She got through the interview.  Now apparently there can be a random audit for people receiving benefits.  Just great, more hoops.  

The real issue is she felt targeted.  People like us often do.  We've been made to feel unwanted & suspect most of our lives.   When things like this happen, even if it wasn't, it feels aimed.   I haven't had to have an interview yet, but I might.   Now we wait.  

I was really hoping this round of renewals would go smoothly without drama.  That must have been too big an ask.  The thing is the people doing the interviews, already have all the info they need.  They can easily confirm any of it.  They just want to remind you what your place is.  This is nothing but a power play & waste of resources.

That's all for now, take care.


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