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Friday, January 19, 2024



I have an unpopular belief about HIV transmission.   Unless you contracted HIV during acts against your will or knowledge, you bear culpability for your situation.  There are articles about HIV+ people who infected partners.  If these partners were adult & willing, then it's on them as well.   

This morning I saw a piece about how a + man infected a swingers group.  Come on, really?  Swinging in these times?  Were these people were engaging in sex parties without protection, PReP, on site testing or verification of a recent negative HIV test?

1st, it was wrong morally, ethically & likely legally for this man not to disclose his status.  If you aren't adult enough to be up front about your HIV status & do what you can do prevent transmission, you aren't mature enough for sexual activity with others.  Simply put, you're not fit for company.

It was also the responsibility of the other attendants at this gathering to insure their own safety.  It doesn't seem like they did.   If you go into a situation playing a risky game, don't be surprised if you lose.  Was the + man wrong?  Yes.  Were the others also wrong?  Yes.  It's been decades, we know the HIV game.  If you choose to bend the rules, that's on you.

That's all for now, stay warm & take care.


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