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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Dismal Ending...


The end of October & start of the holiday are both being dismal.  It's less than a week until Halloween & I've seen few suggestions it's near.  Other than stuff on Facebook; there've been few decorations, signs at the stores or even TV commercials.  There's less every year.  I'm not the biggest holiday person, but it's nice to see the decorations.

The month will end in a week of dark, wet & cold BS.  I hate the dark of the year.  It's not really dark, it's soggy browns & dirty greys.  It's easier just to accept this is how 2023 is going to be.  It's been a disaster year.  This may be the worst year so far, but little of the 2000s has been desirable.

That's all for now.  Take care.


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