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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Last Week...


Blogger's acting a little weird this morning.  I can't tell if they're changing it some or if it's just glitching.  Anyway, it's working well enough. 

This is the last week of October.  We're closing out the 10th month of 2023.  After next week, we're fully in the holiday season, oh joy.  2 Sunday's from now, the time change will happen.  Then it'll be even darker.  We could have our 1st dip near freezing by early next week.  That's going to suck, considering we should hit 82 today.  I hate weather shifts like this & I'm not fond of the time change BS. 

That's all for now.  We have to deal with trash & some errands.  Other than that, it should be a nothing day.

Take care.


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