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Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Enemy, Morning...


Mornings & I have never been on good terms.  They only bring fuckery.  Even when I was little with Saturday morning cartoons, I dreaded mornings.  They could lead to finding something wrong; a pissy sibling, a drunk parent, something broken, etc...

As I got older, some of those things were no longer problems, but other things came.  Other sources of stress & anxiety.  Now, I have to deal with SAD as well.   

Most mornings something is off.  When it isn't, I get more worried.  The longer it takes for the shoe to drop, the bigger the shoe.   The only way I can see to fix this would be for the to be no mornings.  There's nothing that can make that happen.  So this is my existence.  I won't call it a life.  It hasn't felt like that in a long time.  I go through the days & that's it.

I dread & despise mornings. 


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