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Monday, December 5, 2022



It's Krampusnacht,  the night of the Krampus.  The Krampus is sort of the anti Santa.  He comes to take away the really bad children.  He's offended by the those who don't respect the spirit of the holiday season.   I guess he's been really busy going after so many adult children.  

This is supposed to be the season of giving.  That doesn't seem to hold up when I'm involved.  Instead it's even more the season of needing, wanting or demanding I do something for someone, something else.  

I'm sorry, but after this year, especially these last few months, I'm closed for business.  It's grey, dreary & I'm spent.   There's still a lot I wanted to get done this year.  I don't know if any of that will happen.  Especially with everything else making demands on me.  It'd be different if I thought I could trust or even felt like I could ask someone else for anything.  But, I don't.  The only people I think I can ask anything of are those I'm paying & even then it doesn't always happen.

I'm trying not to be anti-holidays, but it'd be nice if this grey BS season of taking would pack it's bags & leave.  I'm to the point I can't do or give any more.  

Sorry for the rant & I really do hope everyone else has a great holiday season.


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