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Sunday, December 18, 2022



When it comes to HIV/AIDS, I have no faith in people or the system.  All the medical advancements could be made that would ever be needed to end HIV & it wouldn't matter.  This virus is decades old & could've been handled without advanced meds if everyone had got with the program in the 90s. Instead there were issues of ideology, religion, ethnicity, finances, etc...  Of those, only the money matters were a legitimate topic.  The rest was BS & smoke screens designed to avoid taking responsibility for the matter.  Not to mention how much HIV helped certain socio-political agendas. 

HIV could've been a thing of the past.  But that didn't fit with some people's agendas or sensibilities.  Because of the shortcomings of people, not drug companies, this virus still burns across the world.  

I have no faith in people.  Not when it comes to HIV or any topic that could aid or benefit the lives of people who need assistance.  People with their self justifying ideologies & religions have kept HIV & other harmful things in play for decades.  Never trust people who start a conversation with what they believe.


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