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Monday, September 13, 2021

Bloody Allergies...


Running a little late this morning.  I have an issue with nosebleeds.   It's gotten worse since becoming HIV+,  being on the meds & getting older.  They're  mostly caused by dryness & irritation.   Allergies & fans cause both. I used to be able to handle allergy pills like Claritin.  Not so much anymore.  They used to help me out a lot.  Now, they do a little, but almost always give me nosebleeds.  Yesterday, was the 1st day in possibly a year that I took an allergy pill.  My eyes & sinuses dying from the ragweed.  It helped a little.  This morning, I woke to a nosebleed with both nostrils  bleeding.  It took a while to get that handled.  Allergies pills are back on the NO list.

That's all for now, take care.


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