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Saturday, June 12, 2021



I hear conversations about people being worried about what others are going to think of them.  If someone  is going to think less of you because of something you did that you had little choice in, they don't hold you high regard in the beginning.  Live for yourself.  Do what you can live with & deal with the fallout.  It's not their life.

In the same vein, some people say they're proud to tell of their HIV+ status.  While you shouldn't be ashamed of being +, what's to be proud about.  You  contracted a virus.  That's like saying, I'm proud of my flu this season.

There are articles about HIV being 40+ & how we need to do more about stigma.   No, we  don't.  Stop  wasting time on that.  If people, after 4 decades of awareness,  are going to be judgey about being HIV+, nothing will ever change  them.  It was never about HIV.  It was about power & wanting to put others down.

Attitudes are just that, attitudes.  Sometimes people change theirs, but it's rare & up to them.  If they have available information & they persist in their beliefs, you'll never change them.  You are only responsible for you & your actions.  Let it be & move on to things you can impact.


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