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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

1st Half...


June is halfway over, that means 2021 is nearly the same.  2020 may have had more fear than this year, but 2021 still has it's share & is really working the agitation & stress.  

We're still dealing with bees.  I hope what we're doing is making them see this is an hostile place.  We just need them away from the house & definitely not in the house.   

Yesterday had nicer weather.   But, I tired myself out earlier in the day.    I  never quite recovered.  The Summer heat is impacting how I take my blood pressure  med.   My BP lowers a lot in  warm weather.  I take it was the monitor says my BP is higher.   Summer means dehydration.  I wake up feeling like dried leather.  It takes forever to get rehydrated & I drink a  lot of liquids.

That's all for now, take care.


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