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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Yesterday Me...


Yesterday's me got productive & tried to do me in.  There are 3 winter bushes along the front porch.  They're evergreen & have red  berries during the Winter.  I  don't trim these when I prune the other shrubs.  Birds, squirrels & other things hide in them & eat the berries during the cold months.  I trim these bushes  in early  Spring, so they have half a year to come back.

They didn't grow well last year, nothing did around here.  They were sparse & spindly.  What leaves & berries were  on them got taken out by ravenous little beasties & that last cold snap froze some the smaller branches off.  They needed clipped & I did it.

It was done fairly easily.  The clippings from all 3 bushes were less than I'd normally get from 1. I got them cut & the branches moved  to  the curb.  Then it began.

My body has been in revolt ever since.  My allergies went ballistic.  My  arms were shaky for hours.   I'm sore & my breathing is still a little off from all the debris.  I'll get  over this.  Yesterday's, proactive me should've come with a warning for the me today.


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